November 05, 2010

happy birthday, again!

hello, hurricane! s'a cam asternut praful de cand am fost ultima oara pe aici. probabil din cauza faptului ca lucrurile au inceput sa se inmulteasca si sa se inmulteasca dar mi'am propus sa ajung de acum incolo cat de des sa pot posta ceva dragut si interesant. astazi de exemplu am sa merg pe acolo pe unde picioarele mele ma duc pentru a fotografia toamna. pana ma intorc cu noi povesti si amintiri, te las sa te delectezi cu cateva fotografii de la cea mai interesanta zi de nastere organizata de cei mai buni prieteni din intreaga lume :) xoxo, eu

September 04, 2010

oh, you bring

oh, you bring peace. you bring patience and hope. you bring joy and you bring light. oh, you bring love and a new life. you bring me here and there. you bring me high and you bring me deep. it's for you, because you bring me in this new and extraordinary path of my life.


September 03, 2010

June 27, 2010

innocence again

i've been given innocence again.. because grace is sufficient to me.. For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer. (1 Timothy 4.4-5) .. innocence again..

May 06, 2010

cu bitza la littlelondon

inca o zi. inca o zi ca toate celelalte. ma trezesc de dimineata dupa ce prietenul meu cel mai bun, telefonul incarcat cu o alarma plina de energie, imi spune deja de cel putin 10 ori ca e timpul sa fac ochi mari daca vreau sa merg cu eunice, noua mea bicicleta la gradinita. si cum de cateva zile mi'am propus ca voi face asta, pana la urma ma ridic incet incet si ma indrept spre usa. da, iar m'am trezit cam tarziu. ce sa faci, asta e viata. accelerez pana la cea mai ametitoare viteza pe care o pot avea si in doi timpi si trei linguri de cereale cu lapte sunt afara, unde trei caini ma privesc nedumeriti. imi fac curaj si iau taurul sau mai bine zis ghidoanele de coarne si ma indrept cu pasi repezi catre strazile inca necucerite de eunice. iau o curba, mai depasesc o persoana, ma asigur ca nu vine nici o masina si deja sunt departe. mai traversez o intersectie. uoff! bordurile astea! nici nu am plecat bine si deja bordurile imi dau bataie de cap. bine macar ca am claxon. unul cam ruginit, dar isi face foarte bine meseria. imediat am ajuns in parc si mi'am propus ca la si jumatate sa fiu deja in capatul celalalt al lui. cum nu misca nici tipenie de om si furnica pe acolo (doar un glas de caine trezit parca prea devreme), imi fac curaj si bag viteza. tinand cont ca e prima data cand merg cu bicicleta asa de mult si fac un drum asa de lung pentru prima data, am nevoie de mai mult curaj decat de obicei. asa ca nu mai stau pe ganduri si deja sunt la iesirea din parc. ceasul arata 08.41, adica 8.31, pentru ca ceasul meu este inainte cu 10 minute :) pff, bine ca am ajuns pe pista de biciclete. traversez si imi iau rolul in serios. claxonez ca doar trebuie sa se faca loc. putin mai incolo, pe langa mine parca trece un zmeu. aaa, nu, de fapt e un alt biciclist cu ghiozdan in spate. cum asa? si eu care credeam ca am viteza. la vreo 3 intersectii departare ne intalnim, imi zambeste si eu ma fac ca nu il vad. sunt in intarziere, nu imi permit sa stau la povesti. se face verde, biciclistul dispare, eu imi vad de drum, mai urc o panta, drumul nu e prea prietenos, dar in cele din urma izbandesc in drumetia mea. mai merg ce mai merg, o doamna vine inspre mine, masinile vin inspre mine, dar eu continui sa ma tin de drum si el de mine, cand la un moment dat, claxonez, si claxonez, si nu se da la o parte. cine? un om. negru. trec pe langa el si se scuza. asta da viata. asta da comportament. foarte dragut din partea lui. mai am putin si ajung. dar avem niste drumuri, mai usor mergi in maini decat pe bicicleta. pana la urma am ajuns cu bine. am intarziat. se mai intampla. eunice isi trage sufletul, eu ma duc la copiii mei. pe mai tarziu. . .

March 01, 2010

dogs and cats

somewhere in the middle west dogs were playing freely and happily in their yard, running around and finding new bones and new hiding places.
one day, while waiting for another friend of their, mitsi and halle were counting for the seconds left till they see their beloved friend, buk. while talking and counting and having a good time , they saw THE CAT, that was on a walk with some cat friends. one thing to know is that THE CAT and halle were a one moment in their life best friends, until something happened and they unexpectedly forgot each others name/place to be/favorite colour&Co. still counting the seconds until buk had to show up, halle tells mitsi:
halle: 'look. THE CAT is coming'
mitsi: 'no. it's not THE CAT'
halle: 'yes. THE CAT is here'
before buk has showed up, THE CAT saw mitsi and halle and came up and said 'hello'. mitsi and halle, confused, reply back just to seem some nice and well-behaved dogs. THE CAT started asking halle many questions that she haven't seen that bak was there and mitsi told her that THE CAT was there. bak, very surprised, came to them and said 'hello' as well and tried to put some questions but she was too surprised to see THE CAT, this fact being kind of the last thing the dogs had thought it would happen in their long and strong and happily life. after the short chit-chat, halle saw they were late and said a quick 'good-bye' while THE CAT was trying to find out where they were ahead to, hoping that the road will be pleased to have both THE CAT&Co. and the friendly dogs. unfortunately for THE CAT, the dogs were going in another direction so after their friendly and specific doggy-bye they left it looking & thinking that life is so unpredictable.

the end

February 24, 2010


never too late, never too young
never too smart, never too sleepy
never too crazy, never too friendly
never too dreamy, never too sleepy
never too speechless, never too right

but..where's our ever?forever..

February 21, 2010

umbrellaconcept part II

Era si timpul, nu? :) In ultima vreme am fost putin mai mult mai ocupata: examene, proiecte si de'ale studentiei, si am lucrat si la proiectul meu cu umbrella concept
, in care mi'am propus sa reciclez umbrele care si'au terminat viata intr'un fel sau altul, asa ca am dat sfoara prin casa si am gasit 2 umbrele singure si parasite care abia mai suflau, le'am luat si am inceput sa .. sa creez si sa le dau o alta intrebuintare. Asa am ajuns la rochia facuta din material de umbrele si tulle. Nu este gata inca pentru ca mai am nevoie de materie prima, asa ca te provoc sa cauti si tu prin locurile cele mai necunoscute din casa ta si daca cumva ai gasit o bucata de umbrele, singura, parasita, care striga dupa ajutor, nu o arunca. Trimite'mi un mail pe si ar fi perfect sa facem cumva ca umbrela ta sa ajunga in mainile mele :D Te las sa iti clatesti ochii cu rochia pe care nu am terminat'o inca, dar care pare sa aiba un viitor maret in fata :D


January 27, 2010

January 16, 2010

vezi pe unde mergi

daca nu stii incotro mergi, cu siguranta nu te vei rataci. chiar daca am treaba cu viata mea, si putin imi pasa de ce si unde, totusi cred ca punctul in care tocmai urmeaza sa ajung sau nu e decisiv. e inca un pas pe care il fac, inca o treapta pe care o urc in cresterea mea. si de ce sa fac un pas mare pe langa cand pot sa fac unul mic, dar in directia corecta. ma duc sa ma uit dupa indicatoare. de data asta voi merge corect..

January 08, 2010

Psalm 121 - A Song of Ascents

1. I lift up my eyes to the hills. From whence does my help come?
2. My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
3. He will not let your foot be moved, he who keeps you will not slumber.
4. Behold, he keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
5. The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand.
6. The sun shall not smite you by day, nor the moon by night.
7. The Lord will keep you from evil; he will keep your life.
8. The Lord will keep your going out and your coming from this time forth and for evermore.

January 02, 2010